How long have you worked at AstraZeneca and What do you like most about your job?
I've been here for 16 years and I enjoy the cross functional collaboration, challenges, both from a skill and time perspective
What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
All kind of sports, particularly skiing, sailing and jogging. Preferably together with my family. Meeting friends.
Fun fact about you that people may not know?
I enjoy surfing on real estate web pages.
What’s your work/life balance experience been at AZ?
Many working hours in periods but the flexibility means a lot for the overall balance and well being.
How do you network with other women both inside and outside of AZ?
Female friends mean a lot to me and I have a couple of groups that I meet regularly and always prioritize. I have my course mates from Medical School, another group of colleges, a group whom I am skiing with and the mothers of the boys in my son’s football team. In addition, I am a member couple of networks. At work, I have regular lunch dates with people I have collaborated with from time to time or just with energizing women.
What would you like other women to know about joining AZ as a new employee?
How do you feel AstraZeneca best supports your career as a female employee?
The ongoing discussions around diversity and inclusion are very much needed also from a female perspective. Acknowledgement of female role models is important as well as support and facilitation of combining career and family life.